Our BlogChina's Electric Vehicle Revolution: Unraveling the Driving Factors

China's Electric Vehicle Revolution: Unraveling the Driving Factors

Santosh Charan

Santosh Charan

Director of Growth & Partnership

January 18, 2024
China has rapidly grown its EV market, becoming the biggest in the world. How did they do it?

China has rapidly become the largest electric vehicle (EV) market in the world. As of July 2023, China has sold 3.5 million new EVs — a meteoric rise from the mere 1,400 EVs it sold in 2010! In comparison, the U.S. sold just 655,986 EVs from January to July 2023, while India has sold a little over 900 thousand EVs as of August 18, 2023.

China isn’t just excelling at domestic EV sales; it’s also dominating global EV exports. In 2022 alone, approximately half of the 850k electric passenger cars that were imported to Europe came from China.

Understanding the reasons for China’s success is critical, as India strives to increase its EV production and sales. China’s winning policies and strategies could provide clues for Indian policymakers, global business leaders, investors, and analysts.

To further understand the dynamics of China's EV market, this article will answer the following three questions.

  1. Why has China emerged as a global leader in the electric vehicle market?
  2. What challenges does China currently face in maintaining its leadership position in the EV industry?
  3. How can China's ongoing initiatives and solutions shape its future role in the global automotive landscape?

China’s Current EV Market

According to the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, China saw 13.1mn new EVs — 4.1% of total vehicle sales — in 2022. This represents a 67.13% increase over the 7.84mn EVs sold in 2021. These numbers are expected to rise in the coming years; the projected average annual growth rate from 2023 to 2028 is 17.15%. China’s EV market size, which is currently at $260.84 billion, is predicted to reach $575.56bn by 2028.

Much of this demand will be domestically driven. More than 30 Chinese cities have made plans to achieve 100% electrification of their public transit systems. Furthermore, the government has instituted policies to boost EV adoption and reduce dependence on oil. Beijing, for example, issues only 10k permits per month for gasoline vehicles, as a way to influence residents to transition to EVs. The government also offers tax exemptions on EV purchases.

Furthermore, in the interest of reaching its target of charging 20mn EVs by 2025, the Chinese government is building charging stations across the country. These initiatives are encouraging more consumers to shift to EVs, and this demand, in turn, is bringing more investments and automakers to China. Tesla, for example, has a huge factory in Shanghai, and its market share in China jumped to 13.2% in August 2023. Other foreign companies like Hyundai, as well as domestic companies like BYD, are also competing fiercely for the Chinese market.

Main Players in the Chinese EV Market

China’s EV success involves supply, not just demand. The country’s vibrant EV ecosystem comprises both established giants and new startups looking to make their mark. In fact, China has approximately 94 EV brands offering 300 models, ranging in price from $5k to $90k. 81% of the EV market is dominated by Chinese companies, most notably BYD, General Motors partner Wuling, Changan, and GAC. These companies face intense competition from startups like Nio, Xpeng, Airways, and Livan, as well as from foreign brands like Tesla, GM, and Hyundai are the foreign players competing in this space. Together, all of these brands are expected to account for about $8mn in sales by 2023.

A bar chart showing the market share for China's top-selling EV manufacturers in 2022

Buoyed by this market, many foreign players are also collaborating or investing in local Chinese markets. Volkswagen, for example, is investing $700mn in Xpeng for a 4.99% stake in the company. This joint venture is intended to develop two new EVs, with advanced driver assist, for the Chinese market. Meanwhile, companies including Toyota are looking to set up shop in the Chinese market and manufacture locally to satisfy the needs of Chinese customers.

Besides meeting domestic demands, many Chinese companies also manufacture EVs for the global market.

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China's Role in the Global EV Market

In 2022, China accounted for an impressive 35% of all EVs sold globally. This comes at a time when consumers are becoming increasingly aware of climate change and eager to transition to an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Meanwhile, wild swings in oil prices, coupled with geopolitical uncertainties in oil-exporting countries, have led governments to consider alternative fuels for transportation. China has successfully leveraged these changes to become the largest EV player in the world.

A bar chart showing top-performing Chinese EV exporters in 2022

Two major contributors to China’s success are technological advancements and government policies. China has an exceptionally strong technology presence; it leads the world in 37 out of 44 critical technologies. As a result, Chinese players have the first-mover advantage, empowering them to lead the charge in ADAS and digital cockpit features. Furthermore, Chinese automakers are partnering with local technology companies like Horizon and iMotion to develop smart driving features. Meanwhile, collaborations with foreign companies like BMW are enabling advances in features like hands-free autonomous driving.

China’s government policies incentivize EV production by providing subsidies, in the form of payments and benefits, to EV makers. Between 2016 and 2022, the Chinese government spent approximately $57bn to support the EV industry. During that time, it spent an additional $5.4bn to subsidize the production of 3.76mn EVs. It also offered cheap loans and land grants, along with research and development subsidies for developing innovative features and core parts.

In addition to technology and government policies, a robust supply chain, existing manufacturing facilities, and readily available raw materials are fueling China's journey to the top. China is not only transforming the global automotive landscape, but also fueling innovation and progress.

Challenges to China's EV Leadership

As discussed above, China has achieved an immensely successful EV market. But can China sustain this momentum? Here's a look at some key challenges that could derail China’s electric journey.

Overcapacity in the EV Market

China’s domestic EV market is slowing down due to overcapacity. In fact, China currently has an excess auto production capacity of approximately 10mn EVs. For context, this is equal to two-thirds of the United States’ entire 2022 output. This overcapacity locks investments, especially if the automakers are unable to sell units quickly. In turn, because supply exceeds demand, prices drop, leading to slimmer profit margins for manufacturers and reduced incentives for further technological innovation.

Currently, this overcapacity is being leveraged to export EVs to Europe and other markets around the world. However, this may not be a viable long-term strategy because of other governments’ potential regulations.

Risk of Mass Production without Technological Upgrades

Technological innovation constitutes China's competitive advantage. However, economies of scale, coupled with a tough pricing war, are not favorable. Tesla has cut its prices in China to stay competitive, and the growing number of EV players is reducing car sales for each manufacturer. For example, each of China’s 147 car brands sells only about 1,100 cars on average. This revenue may not be sufficient to fund innovation.

As a result, Chinese automakers run the risk of focusing on mass production without making consistent technological upgrades and investments in research and development. This can lead to long-term challenges, such as outdated technology, reduced competitiveness in the global market, and difficulties in meeting evolving regulatory standards.

Government Intervention

Government support, in the form of subsidies and incentives, has played a key role in the Chinese EV market’s progress. However, excessive intervention can lead to inefficiencies, distortions, and unpredictability in the market. Ongoing EU investigations into EV subsidies, trade differences with the United States, and geopolitical unrest could lead to further market distortions.

Aggressive incentives can also disrupt the natural evolution of the auto industry. Alternatively, they can create a situation where the industry becomes overly dependent on government incentives, such that sudden government withdrawal would spell disaster. Finally, over-regulation can hinder innovation.

Since other countries, including India, could also face all of these issues in the future, it’s worth exploring some strategic solutions.

Strategic Solutions for China's Continued EV Success

Although the challenges discussed above are significant, there are many ways to address them. Strategic government solutions, innovations by EV market stakeholders, and collaborations with domestic and foreign players may all play an important role.

Mitigating Overcapacity

To mitigate overcapacity, production must be aligned with demand. This requires continuous monitoring of market trends and consumer preferences. Alternatively, companies can investigate flexible production techniques that could help them quickly adapt to fluctuations in demand. Automakers can also consider diversifying their offerings to include options beyond traditional sedans, to reduce the risk of oversaturating a single market segment. Creating novelty by offering special editions and limited-time models could further stimulate demand.

Along with these domestic strategies, EV makers must consider new export strategies. For example, exporting to the Global South, not just the West, might adequately absorb surplus EV production.

Encouraging Technological Advancement

Technological advancements can boost the Chinese market’s long-term growth and competitiveness. China was once seen as a cheap manufacturing hub rather than a technological leader in its own right, but, in recent years, massive public and private investments have given Chinese companies a first-in advantage. Today, foreign companies are collaborating with Chinese manufacturers to leverage these technological advancements. For example, the French company Renault has successfully partnered with the Chinese state-owned manufacturer Dongfeng Motor Corporation to produce the Dacia EV model for Europe.

However, to continue this technological innovation in the face of challenges like overcapacity and slowing demand, China’s private and public sectors must encourage a culture of innovation and R&D investments. In particular, involving universities and their incubation centers could help drive technological advancements. Furthermore, the government could establish incentives for the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like autonomous driving and battery innovation.

Ensuring a Stable Regulatory Environment

Government policies must reduce ambiguities in regulations to provide a clear path for the EV industry. Such policies will boost confidence, and could, in turn, bring in more investments and growth. In addition, the government and private sector could work together to develop roadmaps for China’s five-year plans. Finally, emulating international regulatory best practices, including regularly assessing and implementing feedback, could help China remain competitive.

Future Impacts of China's EV Dominance

Chinese EV manufacturers are challenging established global automakers and surging ahead with their offerings. As they enter new markets, these Chinese companies can eventually redefine global consumers' perceptions by establishing themselves in the luxury vehicle market.

Chinese companies are also acquiring or partnering with already-renowned automakers to gain a global competitive advantage, which in turn, can boost their local production and economies of scale.

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With homegrown technology and advancements in cutting-edge innovations like ADAS, China has the potential to continue its dominance, leading to economic, geopolitical, and environmental implications.

On the economic front, more EVs will create jobs, boost research and development, and provide opportunities for EV suppliers and charging infrastructure providers. Together, all these can help the global economy to grow. On the environmental side, the growth of Chinese EV makers augurs well as they can offer a wide range of EVs for different segments, enabling most consumers to shift to EVs. This will reduce carbon emissions and lead to cleaner cities. Geopolitically, Chinese dominance can give it better leverage over other countries and enable it to gain a presence in regions that are embracing mobility.

These positive outcomes can inspire other nations to accelerate their transition to EVs. China's investments in charging infrastructure may even act as a model for other countries like India that are looking to expand their infrastructure.

Bottom Line

China's journey to global EV leadership has been nothing short of remarkable. It holds profound implications not only for the country’s automotive sector, but for the entire world. As the Chinese EV market continues to blaze a trail in EV manufacturing and adoption, industry stakeholders and policymakers can draw inspiration from China’s strategies, and adapt them for their own countries. In particular, automakers and technology companies must invest in innovation to remain competitive in the rapidly changing EV market.

Want to learn more about the factors behind China's rise as a global leader in EVs? Check out the FAQ and Resources below!


How has the Chinese EV market grown in recent years?

The Chinese EV market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years. In 2022, not only was one in every four domestically-sold vehicles electric, but China also exported a staggering 679k EVs. Factors contributing to this surge include strong government support, growing environmental awareness, and a push for technological innovation. Due to the confluence of these factors, China has become the world's largest EV market.

How do government initiatives support the EV market in China?

Government initiatives play a pivotal role in supporting the EV market in China. These initiatives include subsidies, tax incentives, and regulations that favor EVs. The government is also investing heavily in charging infrastructure to ensure accessibility. Government policies are driven by environmental concerns, the need to reduce emissions, and desire to promote technological innovation.

How does China's rise in the EV market impact the international automotive industry?

China's rise in the EV market has a significant impact on the international automotive industry. It intensifies global competition, compelling established automakers to invest in EV technology. China's innovations, such as advancements in battery technology and smart EV features, can accelerate EV adoption while its wide range of models can suit different vehicle market segments.

What are the projections for China's EV market growth in the next few years?

By 2025, 50% of car sales in China could be EVs. To support this trend, the government is building country-wide charging infrastructure capable of charging 20mn EVs. Factors such as ongoing government support, increasing consumer demand for cleaner transportation, and the push for advanced technology are expected to drive this growth.

What are the key factors contributing to China's success in EV adoption?

China's success can be attributed to strong government support in the form of subsidies, incentives, and regulations favoring EVs. The country's emphasis on technological innovation, a rapidly growing charging infrastructure, and environmental awareness are other driving factors.


The New York Times: For China’s Auto Market, Electric Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present.

Learn about China’s domestic EV market here.

KPMG: Sinocharged: The bright future of China’s electric vehicle market

Explore future predictions for China’s EV landscape here.

China Business Review: Opportunities and Challenges in China’s Electric Vehicle Market

Gain more insight into China’s EV industry here.

MIT Technology Review: How did China come to dominate the world of electric cars?

Discover China’s journey towards global EV success here.

International Council on Clean Transportation: Nine Trends in the Development of China's Electric Passenger Car Market

Stay up to date with major developments in the Chinese EV market here.

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