Solutions for Auto Dealerships

Wondering Why Auto Dealers Partner With Bolt.Earth?

EV Charging at Your Dealerships! Are your dealerships ready for electrification? Empower your dealers to sell more EVs with our dealership charging solutions.

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Dealership Charging Network

Create a Connected Dealership Charging Network.
Do You Want To Show Buyers the Convenience of EV Charging by Adding Your Own Station?

  • Show You’re Invested

    Drive sales by showcasing your commitment to EV and charging technology with your own station.

  • Give a Reason to Visit

    Add charging stations to provide a reason for existing EV buyers to check out your deals.

  • Introduce the Daily Charging Solution

    Recommend the bundled charging solution while showing off your EVs to help buyers take the plunge!

  • Generate Sales From Your Employees

    Give employees a reason to buy your EVs by adding charging points at your dealership.

  • Create Your Own Network

    Create a charging network between dealerships and OEMs to offer VIP charging services.

  • Join the CMS Loyalty Program

    Use Bolt.Earth’s CMS to monitor EV charging and offer owners incentives to charge with you.

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Dealership of EV Charging Network

Bolt.Earth - Home Charger Deployment

Most EV charging happens at home - Give your Customers a charging solution bundled with their EV! Home charger deployment comes with the smoothest customer journey.
It begins at the showroom and ends with a charger installed at the customer’s home.

  • Make EV Adoption Easy

    Reduce barriers to sales by offering home charging deployment so your buyers can be set from the get-go.

  • Provide Daily Charging

    Add value to your buyer’s life and set them up for charging where they’ll charge the most—their home.

  • Create Sales in Any Location

    Ensure your buyer can charge no matter where they live and never lose a sale based on location!

  • Reduce Operational Costs

    Give customers the best performance. Home EV charging points are the most efficient way to charge.

  • Sell Convenience

    Secure customers with convenient charging solutions. Simply plug in and check your app.

  • Strengthen Your Perceived Value

    Give your customers a 360-degree charging solution that bumps up your value.

  • Add Support-as-a-Service

    Generate more revenue with support contracts through Bolt.Earth’s preferred partners.

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Home charger deployment

Join India's Largest EV Charging Network

Get your personal Bolt.Earth EV Charging Point

Bolt Lite



Safe, Smart, and Simple!

Surge protection
Power theft protection
Auto cut-off
Compatible with all EVs
Order Bolt.Earth Lite Now
Bolt Lite



Safe, Smart, and Simple!

Surge protection
Power theft protection
Auto cut-off
Compatible with all EVs
Order Bolt.Earth Pro Now